Thursday, October 2, 2008

Final project ideas

I've been thinking a lot about my final paper topic. Although most students in our class will expand their mini-study papers to explore topics thoroughly, I think I might choose a new path. Some of the things that interest me is a study of Cabbage Patch dolls and the percentages of white-skinned ones and black-skinned ones (and Asian and Native American ones, if any) that may have been manufactured.

Another topic I'd like to explore is the amount, or lack, of Native American figures in advertising. I might do this from a film angle, too. I need to narrow this somehow. I'm sure there is an abundance of literature in mass communications journals. This topic has interested me for a long time. It still shocks me to consider how Native Americans have not fared as well as other ethnic groups in this country and that their struggles were never self-imposed; they were victims of racism and negligence. No one seems to give it much media treatment, either. It makes me sad.

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